This is a tray bake of kofta with potatoes, onions, and tomato sauce. I’ve previously posted a Kofta with Tahini recipe, which is pretty much the same thing, but with a different sauce.
This dish can be assembled the night before, and then popped in the oven after you get home from work, so it is a good weeknight option.
This is very good reheated, so leftovers can provide a second night’s meal or work lunches for later in the week.
We had this with rice, salad, and steamed broccoli.
Kofta with Tomato Sauce (Mediterranean Meatballs with Tomato Sauce)
1½ lb ground beef (or lamb or turkey)
½ cup onion, finely chopped, or grated
½ cup parsley, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1½ teaspoon allspice
½ teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon cumin
½ teaspoon nutmeg or cinnamon
½ teaspoon coriander
1 Tablespoon oil
2-3 sliced potatoes – fried 3 minutes
½ onion, cut in half lengthwise, then sliced across in thick slices
4-5 Tablespoons tomato paste
2 cups water
½ teaspoon cumin
½ teaspoon allspice
½ teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (optional)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
In large mixing bowl, combine meat, onions, parsley, garlic, spices, and oil.
Knead with your hands to combine completely.
Shape into oval meatballs. Spray 9 x 13 baking tray with nonstick cooking spray or line with foil, and place meatballs in tray.
Cut Potatoes in half, then cut each half crosswise into slices. If the potato is really narrow, you can cut it crosswise into circles. Heat about 1 inch of cooking oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Par fry potatoes for a about 3 minutes until slightly golden. You can skip the frying step, but I find it makes the finished dish taste better.
Add potatoes and onions to tray. Add 1 cup water. Cover and bake 30 minutes.
In a deep bowl, combine hot or boiling water, tomato paste, spices, vinegar if using, and salt to taste. Pour over kofta, return to oven. Bake 15 more minutes, uncovered.
Variation: You can add a sliced or chopped tomato with the potato and onion.
The onions, garlic, and parsley, could be processed together in the food processor, if desired.
I have this in the oven right now, Thanks for the super easy recipe to follow. It smells delicious, can’t wait to try it!!
I hope you liked it ?